"A church with a big heart in a small building"
Minister - Rev. Dr. J. Kevin Livingston BA. MDiv. PhD.
Phone: (416) 759-3901

Welcome to the Family!

Are you interested in exploring what it means to become a member of Clairlea Park Presbyterian Church? Membership means publicly professing your faith in Jesus Christ; committing to worship, serve and learn together with other Christians in our church family; and supporting our life in Christ together with your time, talents, prayers and financial resources.

The process of becoming a member at Clairlea Park Presbyterian Church involves attending the “Welcome to the Family” Membership Seminar course or watching a set of membership talks by Pastor Kevin; then having a personal conversation with our pastor to discuss your own journey of faith; and then choosing a Sunday service when we can publicly receive you as a part of our church family.

You are under no obligation to become a member by watching these talks; and current members are encouraged to watch them as a “refresher” in some of the basics of our life together as a church family. Enjoy!